Corporate Gift – 5 Tips to Make Your Gifts Memorable

If you want to find gifts that can leave a long lasting impression, you need to spend some time to carefully pick your gifts. You need to consider who your recipients are and their needs. In this article, let me share with you 5 tips to make your gifts memorable. 1. Choose something that your recipients will use. One reason why you want to give corporate gifts is to let recipients remember your brand. Therefore, you should choose something that […]

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Account Receivable Software Comparison

Documentation should be in the very heart associated with a business. Accurate records of receivable accounts are vital to any business. The list of the software readily available for accounts receivable is long, choosing it’s possible to a hard task. It’s a good idea to operate an accounts receivable software comparison or ARSC. If you have decided to run a merchant account receivable software comparison, the next step would be to choose which of the many software programs to try. […]

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Provide Better Customer Service With a Virtual Receptionist

As a small business grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep up with the fast pace of daily operations. Many business owners struggle to manage the demands of projects, personnel, customers, financials and more. But hiring an onsite assistant is costly and often adds more complication to an already hectic day. So how can you work more efficiently while still providing your customers with the personal service they have come to expect? Many small business owners and entrepreneurs have found […]

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Small Business Data Security

As a business, one of the top priorities for management is the data regarding clients. Imagine a simple occurrence like a laptop containing sensitive small business data getting lost or stolen. This can have very serious consequences for the entire business. Picture a scenario where the stolen laptop is used to send malicious information to your clients. This could even lead to the downfall of a small business. The data held by a business could easily be its most valuable […]

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Why Use Lead Management Software

Every business relies on its customers or clients to sustain the flow. Without these people who patronize what it offers, there is no way that profit can be made. Definitely, letting this client base grow is the key to ensuring success of any endeavor. In any type of business, the growth of its number of customers is directly proportional to the growth of its coffers. It is extremely crucial then for the business owner to do everything in order to […]

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Swaps Trading Is Changing Due to New Technologies and Processes

Trading in swap contracts have been significantly impacted as a result of the recent changes in market trading and have changed as a result of these changes. Swap contracts have recently growing in popularity due to an increased sophistication on the part of borrowers, as well as due to all time lows on interest rates that many organizations are attempting to lock in. Swap contracts are often used as a way to lock in a fixed rate of interest on […]

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Inbound Call Centre and Longest Delay in Queue

Call centers are one of the most controversial businesses. While some argue about the validity or invalidity of outsourcing as a whole, others are enchanted by the horde of career options, possibilities and opportunities it offers to people. But, not too many understand a lot of commonly used terms of this domain quite specifically. In this article, I will write about two very commonly used terms – inbound call center and LDQs (the longest time you might have to wait […]

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Do What’s Required, Not Just Desired to Improve Customer Satisfaction

Going above and beyond is often what it takes to improve customer satisfaction. Doing enough is okay, but exceptional service calls for exceptional measures. A great example of the need to improve customer satisfaction comes from my travels. I was staying at a boutique hotel in London and brought a stack of books to the concierge. I asked the young man, “How much it will cost to ship these books back to my home in Singapore?” He promised to have […]

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What Are Capital Allowances and How Do They Help Lower My Businesses Tax Liability?

Capital allowances are a tax-deductible expense to a business and consist of three elements enhanced capital allowances (effectively a form of a first year allowance), writing down allowance and annual investment allowance. A fixed asset is an asset used in the business that has an expected useful lifespan within the business of a year or more, this is recorded on the balance sheet of the business and we need to write this off to the profit and loss account as […]

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How Inflatable Booths Will Transform The Way Smaller Businesses Exhibit

For many small companies, exhibiting has always been intimidating. They might want to gain the exposure that comes with attending the big conventions but the costs of purchasing, maintaining and using a custom exhibit are just too daunting. Rather than invest in something they can’t afford or never use, they skip the custom look and cobble together what they can from the marketing materials on hand. All too often, this gets them passed over in the convention hall. Sound familiar? […]

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