Enterprise Bandwidth Vs Home Bandwidth

Bandwidth is a very important requirement to ensure good application performance – the higher the better, in general. But one has to remember that throwing bandwidth when there is a response time issue is not always the right thing to do. Everybody agrees that bandwidth has gotten cheaper and cheaper in the last fifteen years or so. In the US, for example, homes which used to access Internet at 19.2 kb/s or 56 Kb/s during the early days of Internet […]

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5 Lessons Project Management Can Learn From The Aviation Field

Introduction Organizations are in desperate need of creating predictable outcomes and managing the risk inherent in almost all of their project management initiatives. This is true whether they are designing products, performing services for clients, managing technology, implementing a government initiative, or any of a number of different projects. The purpose of this white paper is to identify five lessons (there are many more) that project management can learn from the aviation field to accomplish this objective of predictable outcomes […]

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Five Reasons Your Marketing Should Educate

A wise man once said “Marketing = Education”. What he meant by that is that you need to use you marketing to educate your prospects. But what do you need to educate your prospects on? You need to educate your prospects on the solution your services provide, your expertise and the value of your services. Although you can educate your audience through teleseminars, article marketing or your blog, my personal favorite is workshops and seminars. You can invite your prospects […]

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How ERP Can Benefit Your Import Export Businesses

It’s hard to envision an industry more complex or more regulated than the import export business. As you well know if you’re a part of this exciting industry, it offers many lucrative benefits to those who are willing to work long enough, hard enough and smart enough. However, along with those benefits come a myriad of challenges: delivery and shipping problems, language barriers, tracking product supplies and a seemingly unending list of other issues that can plague your business each […]

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Which of the Many Graphic Design Studios is a Fit For My Firm?

Your primary goal is to find just the right graphic design studio, so here’s a thought. Do a hunt for graphic design studios, and even localizing it for your area, there will the tons of responses. And, in today’s internet world, it’s not necessary for the firm to the local. That merely broadens the scope of what’s available to you and adds to the adversity of making a conclusion. So, how do you decide? Look first at what you need […]

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Universal Avionics – One Stop Shop for Innovative, Safe and Reliable Avionics Systems

History of Universal Avionics Aircraft Parts Company: Hubert L. Naimer founded Universal Avionics in 1981. Hubert L. Naimer had the vision of helping pilots guide them through their phases of flight and avoid collision between aircraft. Since 1976, Naimer had the vision of building cockpit displays and panel displays. In 1982, Hubert Naimer introduced the first Flight Management System to the corporate aircraft market. Ever since the introduction, Universal Avionics has made an impact on the aircraft market. Today they […]

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Corporate Gift – 5 Tips to Make Your Gifts Memorable

If you want to find gifts that can leave a long lasting impression, you need to spend some time to carefully pick your gifts. You need to consider who your recipients are and their needs. In this article, let me share with you 5 tips to make your gifts memorable. 1. Choose something that your recipients will use. One reason why you want to give corporate gifts is to let recipients remember your brand. Therefore, you should choose something that […]

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Account Receivable Software Comparison

Documentation should be in the very heart associated with a business. Accurate records of receivable accounts are vital to any business. The list of the software readily available for accounts receivable is long, choosing it’s possible to a hard task. It’s a good idea to operate an accounts receivable software comparison or ARSC. If you have decided to run a merchant account receivable software comparison, the next step would be to choose which of the many software programs to try. […]

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