Enterprise Bandwidth Vs Home Bandwidth

Bandwidth is a very important requirement to ensure good application performance – the higher the better, in general. But one has to remember that throwing bandwidth when there is a response time issue is not always the right thing to do. Everybody agrees that bandwidth has gotten cheaper and cheaper in the last fifteen years or so. In the US, for example, homes which used to access Internet at 19.2 kb/s or 56 Kb/s during the early days of Internet […]

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Free Accounts Receivable Software

There are a variety of totally free accounts receivable software packages or ARS designed especially, for the record keeping that can be downloaded directly from the web. Several companies offer free accounts receivable software, which can be very productive for home or running a small company. One well-known company that offers free accounts receivable software programs is Intuit who is the maker of Quick Books. In 2009 Intuit offered a version of Quick Books called Simple Start Simple Start is […]

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Accounts Receivable Collection Software

One of the key elements to managing a successful business is being able to keep track of your accounts receivable, or just how much your visitors owe you. This is most frequently achieved through using accounts receivable collection software (ARCS). With many accounting software solutions, monitoring your customers’ payments and outstanding bills is made to the overall program, and then this same program sometimes also tracks your inventory movement, your purchases and sales. When deciding which ARCS matches your purpose, […]

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Build Your Public Relations Program on Solid Ground, Not on Glitz and Sizzle

Too many people relate public relations with splashy events they think reporters will throng to and write about and — as a result — make their organizations famous and successful. Sorry, but it doesn’t work that way. Effective public relations is not the result of one or more showy events. Quite the contrary. Numerous integrated elements power the engine that moves every successful public relations program forward. The need to drive that point home occurred for me once again when […]

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5 Lessons Project Management Can Learn From The Aviation Field

Introduction Organizations are in desperate need of creating predictable outcomes and managing the risk inherent in almost all of their project management initiatives. This is true whether they are designing products, performing services for clients, managing technology, implementing a government initiative, or any of a number of different projects. The purpose of this white paper is to identify five lessons (there are many more) that project management can learn from the aviation field to accomplish this objective of predictable outcomes […]

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