Build Your Public Relations Program on Solid Ground, Not on Glitz and Sizzle

Too many people relate public relations with splashy events they think reporters will throng to and write about and — as a result — make their organizations famous and successful. Sorry, but it doesn’t work that way. Effective public relations is not the result of one or more showy events. Quite the contrary. Numerous integrated elements power the engine that moves every successful public relations program forward. The need to drive that point home occurred for me once again when […]

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5 Lessons Project Management Can Learn From The Aviation Field

Introduction Organizations are in desperate need of creating predictable outcomes and managing the risk inherent in almost all of their project management initiatives. This is true whether they are designing products, performing services for clients, managing technology, implementing a government initiative, or any of a number of different projects. The purpose of this white paper is to identify five lessons (there are many more) that project management can learn from the aviation field to accomplish this objective of predictable outcomes […]

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Getting Feedback From Your Customers

These days companies are asking for your feedback all over the place. You can hardly get out of the restaurant without filling out a customer feedback card. You can’t leave the supermarket or other retail store without being given an attachment to the sales receipt that includes a survey. You’re told that if you fill out the survey online you’ll be given a coupon for your next purchase at the store. You may have wondered about this as you threw […]

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Know What Your Customers Want From Your Catering Business

Catering is a field which has a market almost anywhere. Selling food for people is a potentially viable business all over the world. Requirement for catering can be on a small or a large scale. Restaurant catering is an ongoing process while the event catering pertains to requirements for various events and functions. Private parties, business meetings, weddings, etc are some of the events which require catering. While the demand is almost universal, it is nevertheless prudent to do a […]

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How To Find More Advertisers For Your Website

Any website that relies on advertising revenue needs to consistently expand and renew its database of ads. A website that is phenomenally popular and has high quality traffic in a given niche can attract many advertisers without even trying. But it is a challenge to get there. Here are a few pragmatic ways to find more advertisers for your website. Have a Strategy to Entice Advertisers First, your website needs to have features which would welcome potential advertisers and make […]

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Five Reasons Your Marketing Should Educate

A wise man once said “Marketing = Education”. What he meant by that is that you need to use you marketing to educate your prospects. But what do you need to educate your prospects on? You need to educate your prospects on the solution your services provide, your expertise and the value of your services. Although you can educate your audience through teleseminars, article marketing or your blog, my personal favorite is workshops and seminars. You can invite your prospects […]

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Lone Worker Safety Needs to Be Your Top Priority

Everyone has to work and there are a few jobs that would need people to work alone and out of the usual office environment and their safety needs to be a top concern of the business or charitable organization involved. There are plenty of jobs which would need you to work round the clock and at times you may need to travel to the corners of your city as well. You could be anything right from an Engineer to a […]

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Want Better Ideas? Then Stop Brainstorming!

I used to be a fan of brainstorming. What could be better for generating ideas than gathering your team around a table, presenting the challenge, and then letting the ideas flow! No bad ideas here! Just open the mental floodgates and let the brilliance pour out! Each idea sparking another, and another! Sounds perfect, doesn’t it? Except it doesn’t work. Brainstorming-despite the positive press it’s gotten, and still gets-doesn’t work. Why? Two words: human nature. As humans (sorry puppies, I’m […]

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How to Build a Potent Brand? (Six Clues)

It’s just not enough to be brilliant. People must know and remember that you are. Let’s face it, walking around feeling complacent and entitled because you know you’re brilliant is not a viable strategy, right? So if you want to be known, remembered and recognized, it’s critical you build a brand that not only positions you as brilliant – but as irresistible and indispensable, too. How do you do that? You create a potent brand. Potency defined OK. Let’s start […]

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How ERP Can Benefit Your Import Export Businesses

It’s hard to envision an industry more complex or more regulated than the import export business. As you well know if you’re a part of this exciting industry, it offers many lucrative benefits to those who are willing to work long enough, hard enough and smart enough. However, along with those benefits come a myriad of challenges: delivery and shipping problems, language barriers, tracking product supplies and a seemingly unending list of other issues that can plague your business each […]

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