Getting Feedback From Your Customers

These days companies are asking for your feedback all over the place. You can hardly get out of the restaurant without filling out a customer feedback card. You can’t leave the supermarket or other retail store without being given an attachment to the sales receipt that includes a survey.

You’re told that if you fill out the survey online you’ll be given a coupon for your next purchase at the store. You may have wondered about this as you threw away the slip of paper. Most of us just don’t have the time to do this much work for ten percent off or something like that. But it is true that companies yearn for your input. In doing customer relations management (CRM) for many years, I’ve come to realize how important the feedback is to the businesses.

Especially small and medium sized businesses benefit from becoming more attuned to their customers’ needs and desires. It’s how they grow the business to the next level. As business owners, we need to keep our ears big and our mouth small. In other words, we need to listen more than we talk.

That is why a well-placed question from a clerk or owner or a short survey will have so much impact if the answer is really heard. No matter what the means by which you ask, whether through in person questioning, surveys, phone contact, product labeling, or whatever, you’ll be wanting to know a few basic things that revolve around one area: “How do we make the customer experience better for you?”

The customer who has a good experience with your business is likely to return and to refer others. Of course, a lot of people might almost humorously talk about your giving away stuff or making it so cheap as to be funny. But you’ll get serious answers, too. Even if you don’t want to stay open late one night, it might be worth it to you if enough suggestions come in with that request.

Or they might ask for a particular type of product that you haven’t thought to stock. All in all, asking your customers for what they want and then listening is the primary way of making sure you’re nurturing satisfied repeat customers hvac repair service.