Overcome Sales Objections Fast – Just Do This

On Saturday, I went to a bike shop with my family to purchase a new bike for my son who is now so very proud that he can ride his bike. And loves going down hills and turning the pedals and getting his first taste of “having wheels.” Anyway, when we got there the guy at the shop was talking to us about this brand called Giant. Now my wife and I hadn’t heard of Giant as we are not […]

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Shenzhen Factory Inspection – Making the Best of The World’s Manufacturer

Shenzhen, China may be the biggest city you’ve never heard of lying in the heart of the Pearl River delta, this amazing place is now home to an estimated 30 million people. It’s also part of the world’s largest manufacturing hub in conjunction with Guangzhou (another Chinese mega-city only an hour away from Shenzhen). So if you’re considering outsourcing your production capabilities sooner or later you’re going to spend some time looking at Shenzhen. When you do you’ll be amazed […]

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Hire an IT Solutions Company to Handle Your Technological Needs

Everything in our world is moving into a digital format. If you own or run a business, it is time for you to catch up with the technological developments of our times. These advances can make running your business a lot easier for you. “But I am not technologically savvy,” you say – and that is okay! There are businesses that specialize in providing your business with technological support. Find an IT solutions company near you and push your business […]

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Customer Service Improvements

Customer Service While sales are often considered to be the lifeblood of any business, good customer service is like the oxygen that gives the blood its power. It is true to say that you can bring in plenty of new clients but unless those customers a truly satisfied with your service, your business is not likely to be a profitable concern. Providing first class customer service can be a challenge especially for the small and medium sized companies. Most often, […]

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