Why Purchase Expensive Trade Show Graphics and Banners for Your Company’s Trade Show Booth?

Question: What objectives are being met when I use a trade show booth and other displays at a convention?” Answer: It’s great that you’re not a lemming heading to the trade show just because the other lemmings are. These are valid questions and deserve valid justification. Obviously, because I sell trade show displays and graphics, I always appreciate the orders of those attending, but rarely does anyone ask “why?” “Why do we attend conventions and trade shows? Why do we […]

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“Fat Passengers Should Pay More,” Other PR Disasters, and How to Handle Them

In 2002, SouthWest Airlines hit the headlines in the USA in spectacular style after announcing that they were planning to charge overweight people for two seats rather than one. From irate passengers to newspaper columnists, the public outcry was so great that the company was forced to back down from its earlier commitment and earned an unenviable reputation for an uncaring attitude amongst potential passengers. Meanwhile in 2001, ‘spin doctor’ Jo Moore made the headlines herself when she suggested that […]

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Commercial Cleaning Sales Closing Techniques

It is important as you reach the closing stage in the sales process you take an active role. Unfortunately, what tends to happen is the cleaning sales professional calls the customer to obtain a status on whether a decision has been made, day after day, week after week, and eventually becomes a nuisance. There are closing sales techniques you as a cleaning services sales professional can implement in order to make the closing stage smoother for both the customer and […]

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Opening A Restaurant And Launching It

Opening a restaurant is going to take a lot of work, but with perseverance, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor come opening day and when you start making profit. Being in the restaurant business isn’t always glamorous as you might imagine. You can dream of having important VIP guests for your restaurant launching and it can be possible if you strive till you get everything in order. One of the most important things you have to take care […]

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Beyond Trade Show Stands: Tips For A Successful Convention

Assembling quality trade show stands is just the beginning of the preparation process. To ensure a successful trip, a company has to be able to back up that display with quality information. The last thing a business wants is a reputation for being all style and no substance. To keep the ultimate goal – attracting new business – in sight, it helps to keep a few simple tips in mind. Keep it simple, remember the goal, put in some hard […]

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Pack Light For Business Travel

If there’s one thing that I have learned through the last few years as I traveled for business, it’s to pack light! Do you wear a suit? Some people may feel more comfortable in casual attire. I love a suit. A good black suit can be worn day after day with different shirts, accessories, or ties and look fresh and new each day. Pack several ties that are completely different from each other. Ladies, bring a few bold necklaces. A […]

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Using a Logo Design for Your Home Business

One of the goals of entrepreneurs starting a small or home business is that they want their business to last longer and be successful. So, they go about paying attention to and setting up the essentials such as starting capital, target consumer and so on. But, they sometimes forget one important factor for the success of a home business: the logo design. The logo design is the company’s identity and represents its services and products to the audience. It is […]

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