Top Trends With Plant-Based Alternatives

The dairy alternatives market is starting to grow as more and more eco-conscious consumers enter the market looking for high-quality butters, yogurts, cheeses, and/or milks. Professionals with years of experience as Amcor state there are specific trends that are starting to appear in this sector of the industry.

The dairy alternative market is heading upwards and it is growing rapidly. The CAGR growth is set at 11.2% for the coming 5 years and the market will be worth $44.89 billion according to specialists in the industry.

Going with plant-based milk is one of those market trends that is growing with each passing day in terms of popularity. People want this type of milk and it goes beyond vegans or vegetarians. A lot of people are known as flexitarians, which means they want quality brands that are ethical with their products.

For the most part, up to 49% of all Europeans consume regular dairy products. While 45% of the market eats a little bit of both whether it’s plant-based or dairy. The last segment of the market eats dairy-free plant-based products.

This means there is a lot of interest out there for vegan dairy alternatives and that segment of the market is rapidly growing too.

Here are a few trends to keep in mind when it comes to dairy alternative products.

1. Functional Dairy Alternatives

The first trend is based on wanting to add plant-based products into the mix while still retaining full value from them. This is what consumers want and that is what they are starting to find on the open market.

2. Innovation

Using plant bases such as barley, chia seeds, peas, bananas, cashews, hemp, or coconut is one way to target the nutritional challenges of dairy and dairy packaging alternatives. A good example would be using spent barley as a way to make barley milk. This offers a long list of key nutrients including calcium, fibre, protein, and good fans while cutting down on the sugar intake.

3. Look At The Flavour

It is the flavour that can start to stand out when it comes to dairy alternatives. The ones that offer more choices have an easier time seeing results with consumers. It is common to see this when it comes to specific dairy products such as desserts and/or ice creams. More mainstream brands are starting to do this and that is due to the ability to win over more people with this approach. A good example of a brand that has been doing this is Ben and Jerry’s with its vegan flavours or even Booja Booka in the UK with eight different flavours.

4. Plant-Based Cheese

Cheese is one of those segments of the market that are difficult for alternatives. Anyone that loves grilled cheese sandwiches or pizza will know how important cheese is in the recipe. This is where good dairy-free cheese has to work well or it won’t taste good.

5. Sustainability Matters

Studies show a lot of consumers are starting to change how they shop for specific foods and that includes dairy products. The goal is to choose something that is not only healthy but sustainable as well. People care about the ethics behind a product and how it impacts the environment over the long term. This is why up to 27% of all dairy consumers are interested in this aspect of sustainable farming. Those getting on board with this trend are heading in the right direction.

Consumers that want to make ethical choices need options to go to. This is where brands can come in and tap into a growing market. Amcor is a good example of this with the mono-PE flowpack solution that is long-lasting and recycle-ready. It helps maintain high safety standards and ensures the carbon footprint is not as expansive.

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