2020 And Beyond: Data Center Designs for the Future

The state of innovation, and the resurgence of technology disrupts has reached unprecedented levels. In the coming years, there will be a high rate of change, that will see the migration from legacy systems to new age ones. Such changes will redefine the very nature of how all aspects of technology interact with one another. Core technology apart, there will be significant considerations given to environmental and business concerns. Energy efficiency will emerge as a dominant factor in decision making, […]

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Solar Combiners – Effectively Combines and Houses Wiring of Solar Panels

Significances of Solar Combiners: Solar combiners, or combiner boxes, are electrical components used to combine and house the wiring that comes from solar panels. These are not always necessary for solar systems, so it is really contingent upon what type of solar system is in use. Often times, wires coming from the strings of solar panels are already combined inside the inverter, negating the need for a combiner box. On the other hand, when distance between the solar panels and […]

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Naming Your Animal Massage Business – 7 Ideas For Coming Up With the Perfect Business Name

Coming up with the right name for your business is one of the most important parts of starting a company. It’s a good idea to spend some time on finding a name that’s unique, memorable and reflective of what it is you have to offer your clients. When I tried to think of a name for my animal massage business, I got a bunch of friends together at a bar and asked them to help me brainstorm. They came up […]

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How to Request an Interview With a Reporter

Are you having a problem getting a reporter to cover your event or story? You may think your story is good, and your friends may agree, but sometimes it’s just not that easy to get it into the paper or magazine or other publication you’ve chosen to present it. There are several things to consider with this sort of thing, including the fact that time is a precious commodity for most reporters. They have to set priorities every day just […]

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